Section 3 of the Committees & Clubs Policy Manual (CCPM) contain the complete policies that apply to all chartered clubs. Where these policies conflict, the CCPM will take precedence. The CCPM may be found on the SCA website at:
1. Administrative Procedures
1.1 Club Officer Meetings
Meetings of the Club Officers will be arranged by email among the Officers. The Secretary will keep minutes. Minutes of the meeting will include attendees and reports of actions taken. Copies of approved minutes of meetings will be forwarded by the Secretary to the Officers
1.2 General Membership Meetings
Notice of general membership meetings will be emailed a minimum of 10 days prior to the meeting date, and include an agenda, date, time, and place of the meeting. A draft of the minutes of the previous meetings(s) to be approved by the membership at the current meeting is to be included with the meeting notice. Minutes of the meeting will include action taken by the membership on the proposed agenda items (and/or items added thereto).
1.3 Club Elections
Approximately 60 days prior to the annual Club election, which is typically held near the end of the year, a notice is sent to all members notifying them of the upcoming election with the details for submitting the name of a candidate.
Club Officers will assemble an election committee who will establish a list of candidates. Only members in good standing can be accepted for election.
Any qualified Club member may apply to be a candidate by submitting his/her name to the election committee at least 14 days before the election, at which time nominations are closed.
Club Officers will determine the method of voting. At least 10 days prior to the annual Club election, the Officers will send an email to the membership with the list of nominees and method of voting.
2. Productions
2.1 Future Show Consideration
Prospective productions director(s) will submit show plans to the Spotlight Club Officers for approval in order to be considered for a future show. The show plans should include a theme or synopsis, estimated expenses, and estimated revenues.
When a show is selected and approved by the Club Officers, the Production Director(s) will convene a production team. The Production Team will collaborate to develop the show, select musical numbers, develop a working budget, and make production decisions.
2.2 The Production Team
The Production Team will discuss and collaborate in major Spotlight Club decisions for any production under development. The Team will comprise the Production Director(s), the Choreographer(s), the Vocal Coach and/or Singers’ Representative, and the Tech Manager(s). The Production Team will submit all estimated budgeting, revenues, and expenses to the Spotlight Officers for approval. Any major changes in show plans or theme will be reported to the Club Officers for approval.
2.3 Auditions and Casting for Spotlight Productions
Auditions are open to all SCA residents All candidates for any role in a Spotlight Club production will be judged and selected based upon fair and objective auditions by qualified judges. Auditions will take place in person. Video auditions may be accepted under special circumstances. Judging and final casting decisions will be made as detailed below:
- Dance cast will be judged and final cast selections will be made by the Production Director(s) and the Production Choreographer(s).
- All other cast (vocal, ensemble, musicians, etc.) will be judged and final cast selections will be made by the Production Director(s) and the Production Vocal Coaches.
Additional qualified judges may be appointed to provide input and opinions. Before announcing final cast selections, the Production Director(s) will report selections to the Club Officers who will confirm membership. Club membership is required to participate in a Spotlight Production.
These audition and casting protocols will apply to both initial casting for a Spotlight Production and for any additional or replacement roles that become open at a later date.
3. Purchases and Reimbursement
3.1 Reimbursement from the Club
No member may make a purchase at the Club’s expense without prior approval of the Club Officers. Receipts must be submitted for reimbursement.
3.2 Reimbursement from Club Members
An individual making a purchase on behalf of other club members will submit receipts before seeking reimbursement from those members.
3.3 Subsidies and Storage
The Spotlight Club will provide no subsidies or storage for personal costumes, props, equipment, or accessories. However, when deemed appropriate by Club Officers, the Club will purchase and store selected items.
4. Tickets
4.1 Ticket Sales
Ticket Sales will commence 60 days before show opening via the Arts People electronic ticketing service through Spotlight’s website, or at the Activities Office in Anthem Center. Cast and crew will receive a link for purchasing tickets one(1) week before tickets go on sale to the public. The Box Office in Independence Center will open one(1) hour before showtime.
4.2 Comp Tickets
Other than to the Spotlight Club Photographer, complimentary tickets are not to be provided to anyone without specific approval of the Club Officers. Two(2) free tickets may be made available as a door prize for any event to be designated by and approved by the Officers.
5. Communication and Advertising
5.1 Scheduling and Communication
All scheduling and/or communication with the Association, Spotlight Club members, and Spirit publications must go through the Spotlight Club President or his/her designee.
From time to time, Spotlight Club events, announcements, and schedules will be distributed via email to all Spotlight Club members, and then appear on the Spotlight Club website in a timely manner.
5.2 Timely Advertising Announcements
All Spotlight Club announcements for Spirit publications, posters, TV monitor announcements, etc. must go through Club Officers. Announcements are due to the Club Secretary for the Spirit by the 20th of each month (1.5 month lead time). Each Spirit article should include upcoming events and website address. Use of photos is encouraged.
Posters and TV announcements will be displayed as directed by the Activities Department. The display on the bulletin board next to the Box Office is handled by the Activities Office and requested by the Spotlight Club Officers.
6. Post Show
6.1 Complimentary Videos for Production Participants
The Spotlight Club will provide one(1) video of the production to all participants at no charge.
6.2 Cast Party
Spotlight Club will contribute funds to provide reasonable cost to participants in a Cast Party. The Officers will select the party site and consider funds on-hand in deciding how much to subsidize the Cast Party. The Cast Party will include all show participants in any capacity, including ticket sellers, ushers, crew, stagehands, etc., and their respective spouses/significant others. Non-members will be charged the guest fee.
7. Ushers
The Head Usher is empowered to ensure that the audience is not bothered by distractions from babies, small children, or anyone else causing a disturbance. A print-out with names for each assigned seat will be provided to the Head Usher.
8. Technical Crew
8.1 Determination of Technical Crew
It is the Production Director’s responsibility, along with the leaders for lights, sound, and stage to assemble the Technical Crew for a Show.
8.2 Training of the Technical Crew
The existing Technical Crew will function as trainers for new volunteers.
9. Workshops
9.1 Workshop Cost
The Club supports workshops in all areas of theater arts presented by members or non-members at no cost to members.
9.2. Workshop Payment
Member presenters will not be paid unless that member meets vendor requirements as determined by the Activities Department. Non-member presenter payments must be approved by Club Officers. Payment must be arranged by contract with the assistance of the Activities Department.
9.3 Workshop Topics
Any Club member may suggest a specific topic or presenter for workshops. The Officers will give final approval to those workshops
10. Updates/Changes
These policies may be updated by Club Officers from time to time as needed. Any member may suggest a change subject to Officer approval.
The above policies have been approved by the Spotlight Club Officers on March 26, 2023.